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Free Change Management Consultation

Change Problems Solved

We're always happy to help, and offer a free initial consultation to ensure your change problems are solved. In this session we ask a set of questions so we can understand where you may find there are challenges, and we will write you a prescription for change. For now, if you've taken our Quick Change Health Check, you might find this information helpful:

The bold sections are common symptoms, whilst the standard font sections provide some insight into typical underlying issues. We’re here to ensure your Change problems are solved. Have you tried our Quick Change Health Check?

Projects not coming in on time, within budget and delivering the outcomes you wanted?

Overruns, overspends and under-delivery tend to be symptoms of underlying ailments. Take a look at the documentation which sets out the rationale, outcomes and scope, and the plan which sets out who will do what, when and how to operationalise the change. Sometimes these documents don’t exist. Sometimes you may be told that they’re not up-to-date. Sometimes they’re difficult to read and understand. Usually this is one of the fastest ways to work out how to get your change problems solved.

Worried that your in-flight or new Projects won’t deliver their outcomes?

Often, one or a small number of people determine what they believe constitutes success for a Project / Programme. This misses an opportunity to tap into the wisdom of the crowd. Frequently, these outcomes are poorly formed – for example, they’re stated in the negative (e.g. we won’t have x, y, z problem any more), they’re not specific and measurable. These give rise to Projects which may be declared as successful by some, whilst others think they were a waste of time and money. So, a good place to start is to ask who has been consulted when determining the outcomes, what the outcomes are and how specifically they’ll be measured and reported.

Concerned that your Boardroom peers have a different understanding of your key projects?

This is common, and needs to be nipped in the bud to avoid pain later. We use a set of questions called SCORE, to quickly and insightfully set up or course correct Projects so that they either meet the needs of the key stakeholders, or you can manage expectations. Here are the questions. You might be surprised by some of the responses you get. Often, people answering these questions describe the process as cathartic, because they feel they’ve been listened to and really understood. Imagine that feeling amongst all key stakeholders for a project!

Q1 (Outcomes): Imagine we’re celebrating the success of <>. You wholeheartedly believe that the project was successful. Why?

Q2: (Effects): Building on what you’ve just told me, what is it about those outcomes which is significant for you, both personally and in your role?

Q3 (Symptoms): Holding in mind what you’ve told me about success and its significance, what do you know or notice which makes you realise that there’s work still to do?

Q4 (Causes): … and what do you believe is underpinning those issues?

Q5 (Resources): Now, when you consider today’s reality and tomorrow’s ambition, what’s needed in order to get from where we are to where we need to be?

Frustrated that vision and strategy agreed in the Boardroom don’t get executed as you envisaged?

Whilst this may seem like a complex issue that affects lots of organisations, actually it only affects the organisations that allow it to be “the way things are”. Usually, the causes are a combination of a lack of confidence to ask the clarification questions to really understand the opportunity and outcomes which will determine what needs to be done (scope), and to ensure that what’s being asked for is realistically achievable. Others may say it’s more complex than that. We disagree. The extra complexity generates extra cost (or billings for the people doing the work), and it delays the time when you can have your vision and strategy realised. We use some simple, easy to use and read, templates and we’re happy to share them and provide a quick tutorial. Just email or call us on 0203 476 9614 and we’ll be glad to help you.

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Posted on 20/04/2021 in Top Tips