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We are often asked questions about M&A, Integration and Business Transformation both by client teams and for general interest. Below are some of the most common.


  • What is How2-Change?

    How2-Change is a business transformation and M&A consultancy that helps organisations execute their strategic goals, focusing on integration, change management, and operational excellence.

  • Who are your typical clients?

    Our clients are typically C-suite executives, Private Equity Investment Directors, Operating Partners, and corporate development teams in organisations with 1000+ employees and a turnover of £100m or more.

  • What industries do you serve?

    We serve a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, technology, and financial services, adapting our solutions to fit each sector's unique challenges.

  • What makes How2-Change different from other consultancies?

    We focus on execution rather than just strategy. Our How2-Change Reality Check® ensures that all stakeholders are aligned, and we prioritise skill transfer to empower your teams for future success.

  • What is the How2-Change Reality Check®?

    It’s a diagnostic process that rapidly identifies what needs to be done, the potential risks, costs, and expected outcomes, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page before executing the transformation. More information here

  • What is your approach to change management?

    Our approach combines a strategic framework with hands-on execution. We ensure that all projects are aligned with business objectives and that teams are equipped to handle change.

  • How does How2-Change add value to my business?

    We bridge the gap between strategy and execution, ensuring that your goals translate into measurable outcomes, reducing risks, and increasing operational efficiency.

  • What geographic regions do you serve?

    We operate globally, with significant experience across the UK, Europe, and the United States.

  • Can How2-Change work with companies outside the UK?

    Yes, we frequently support cross-border M&A transactions and international business transformations.

  • How can I get in touch with How2-Change?

    Visit our website’s Contact Us page to submit your query and schedule a consultation with our team.

  • What stages of M&A does How2-Change support?

    We provide full lifecycle support, from pre-deal due diligence to post-deal integration and business transformation.

  • How do you approach pre-deal due diligence?

    We focus our pre-deal M&A work on identifying operational risks, synergies, and value creation opportunities early, helping clients make informed investment decisions.

  • What is operational due diligence?

    Operational due diligence assesses the target company's capabilities, systems, and processes to ensure they align with the investment thesis and integration plan. Here's some more information on the critical role of pre-deal support

  • Why is integration planning so important in M&A?

    A well-planned integration is key to realising synergies and achieving the expected ROI from an acquisition. Here's an article we wrote on why so many post-acquisition integration efforts fail, and how to fix the issues

  • How do you handle post-acquisition integration?

    We align teams, processes, and technology to ensure the combined entity delivers value and operates efficiently. Here's an article on value creation plans

  • What are the common risks in M&A integration?

    Common risks include cultural misalignment, poor communication, and failure to integrate technology and systems properly. Here's an article we wrote about how to simplify complexity in communications

  • How do you manage cultural integration?

    We assess the cultural DNA of both organisations and develop a strategy to protect and integrate key cultural drivers that contribute to business success.

  • How do you ensure value creation post-deal?

    By aligning operational execution with the strategic goals set during the acquisition process, we ensure value creation plans are fully realised. Here's some further information you may find useful

  • What is your approach to technology integration in M&A?

    We use a capability model to harmonise systems and processes, ensuring that technology supports the combined business operations

  • How do you help clients manage M&A timelines?

    Our structured project management approach ensures that all milestones are met within the agreed timeframes, minimising delays and cost overruns. Our project management approach is part of a broader, tried and tested methodology for M&A, Integration and Business Transformation which delivers right first time results. We have a set of tools, templates, processes and intelligent automation which are designed to help us add value from day 1.

  • What is business transformation?

    Business transformation involves reshaping an organisation’s operations, processes, and systems to align with strategic goals, driving growth, and efficiency.

  • What are the key components of a successful business transformation?

    Clear goals, strong leadership, stakeholder alignment, and a robust execution plan are essential for success.

  • How do you approach organisational transformation?

    We begin with a thorough assessment of the current state, then align people, processes, and technology to drive measurable improvements.

  • What is the role of leadership in business transformation?

    Leadership is critical in setting the vision, driving change, and ensuring the organisation remains focused on the end goal.

  • How do you ensure transformation projects stay on track?

    Our project management methodology includes clear milestones, regular progress reviews, and proactive risk management

  • How do you address resistance to change?

    We involve key stakeholders from the start, ensuring that their concerns are addressed, and they are fully bought into the transformation plan. We might also be tempted to say that we believe change resistance and change fatigue are convenient excuses for poorly designed and delivered projects, placing blame on the receiving audience.

  • What is the biggest challenge in business transformation?

    The biggest challenge is often aligning different parts of the organisation around a common vision and managing the complexities of execution. That's why we invest time up front in the How2-Change Reality Check(R) which ensures that M&A, Integration and Transformation initiatives are set up to succeed. 

  • How do you help clients manage complex transformations?

    We break down complex transformations into manageable projects, each with clear objectives and timelines, ensuring that each phase delivers measurable results.

  • What are the benefits of business transformation?

    Successful transformation can lead to cost savings, increased operational efficiency, improved employee engagement, and accelerated growth.

  • How do you measure success in a transformation project?

    We measure success through financial metrics, operational performance, and employee and customer satisfaction, ensuring that all goals are achieved.

  • Why should Private Equity firms choose How2-Change?

    We specialise in driving value creation for Private Equity-backed businesses by ensuring that operational execution is aligned with investment goals.

  • How do you accelerate value creation in Private Equity portfolio companies?

    By focusing on operational efficiencies, technology integration, and leadership alignment, we drive rapid value creation

  • How do you support buy-and-build strategies?

    We help integrate acquisitions, align operations, and implement scalable processes to ensure sustainable growth across the portfolio. We have also put in M&A platforms to help PE backed businesses to standardise and enhance their approach to M&A and Integration. 

  • What is your approach to operational improvements in PE portfolio companies?

    We assess the current operational capabilities and identify areas for improvement that will drive cost savings and revenue growth.

  • How do you handle post-acquisition integration in PE-backed businesses?

    We develop and implement an integration plan that aligns with the value creation plan, ensuring that synergies are realised.

  • Do you offer performance-based fee structures?

    Yes, we often align our fees with the success of the value creation plan, risking a portion of our fees on achieving over-delivery.

  • What is operational risk in Private Equity?

    Operational risk refers to the challenges related to integrating and scaling the operations of portfolio companies, which can erode value if not managed effectively.

  • How do you support rapid growth in PE portfolio companies?

    We implement scalable processes, ensure technology integration, and align leadership teams to drive rapid, sustainable growth.

  • What are the biggest challenges for Private Equity-backed businesses during transformation?

    Challenges often include managing rapid growth, aligning teams, and integrating new acquisitions while maintaining operational efficiency.

  • How do you manage multiple integrations in a buy-and-build strategy?

    We take a structured approach to each integration, ensuring that the combined businesses operate efficiently and deliver on the strategic goals.

  • What is change management?

    Change management is the structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organisations from their current state to a desired future state.

  • How do you ensure successful change management?

    We align stakeholders, communicate effectively, and ensure that all parts of the organisation are ready and equipped for the change. We do this via our How2-Change Reality Check(R)

  • What are the common reasons change management fails?

    Common reasons include lack of stakeholder alignment, poor communication, and failure to address employee concerns. We wrote an article on some of the most embarrassing Change Management failures. You may like to read it. 

  • How do you handle employee resistance to change?

    We focus on transparent communication and involve employees early in the process to ensure they understand the benefits and are committed to the change.

  • How do you align leadership teams during change?

    We work closely with leadership to ensure they are unified in their vision and approach, and that they communicate a consistent message to the rest of the organisation.

  • How do you approach communication during change?

    Effective communication is key. We ensure that all stakeholders are informed of progress, challenges, and successes throughout the process. We wrote an article on how to simplify complexity for leadership communication during M&A, Integration & Transformation, using the Disney Pixar film “Inside Out” as a metaphor. We also wrote a piece about how fables and children’s stories can provide a source of inspiration for leadership communications

  • What tools do you use for change management?

    We use a variety of tools, including stakeholder mapping, risk assessments, and project management software, to manage change effectively. These combine as part of our M&A, Integratiomn & Transformation in a box toolkit to ensure that we can start to add value from day 1. 

  • How do you measure the success of a change initiative?

    Success is measured by how well the change meets its objectives, whether it stays on budget and schedule, and the level of stakeholder satisfaction. As part of our How2-Change Reality Check(R), we ensure that we have aligned stakeholders on strategy, timings, likely costs, benefits and challenges before we start out. 

  • What is change fatigue?

    Change fatigue occurs when employees are overwhelmed by too many poorly executed projects. We prevent this by ensuring all projects are well-designed and deliver real value. We even go a step further to say that change fatigue and change resistance are just convenient excuses for poorly designed and delivered projects

  • How do you manage change fatigue?

    By ensuring clear goals and delivering value at every stage, we prevent change fatigue and keep employees engaged throughout the transformation.

  • What role does technology play in business transformation?

    Technology is often a key enabler of transformation, driving efficiencies, improving processes, and enabling better decision-making. Here's an article you may find interesting about how technology has driven business transformation and how it will continue to accelerate

  • How do you approach digital transformation?

    We align your digital strategy with your business goals, ensuring that technology investments drive real value.

  • What is your approach to technology integration in M&A?

    We assess the current systems and processes of both companies and develop a plan to harmonise and optimise technology across the combined entity.

  • Do you support AI and machine learning implementation?

    While we focus primarily on strategic and operational transformations, we can support AI and machine learning initiatives where they align with business goals.

  • How do you handle legacy system integration?

    We develop a strategy to integrate or replace legacy systems in a way that minimises disruption and maximises value for the business.

  • What is enterprise architecture in the context of business transformation?

    Enterprise architecture ensures that all technology systems are aligned with the strategic goals of the business, driving efficiency and scalability.

  • How do you ensure successful IT transformation?

    We follow best practices in project management and enterprise architecture, ensuring that IT systems support the broader transformation goals.

  • What are the common risks in technology integration?

    Common risks include data migration issues, system compatibility problems, and disruptions to business operations.

  • How do you mitigate risks in technology transformation?

    We identify potential risks early in the process and develop a comprehensive risk management plan to ensure the smooth execution of the transformation.

  • How do you manage cybersecurity risks during digital transformation?

    We ensure that all technology integrations are aligned with the latest cybersecurity best practices, protecting your business from potential threats.

  • How do you improve operational efficiency post-M&A?

    By streamlining processes, harmonising systems, and aligning teams, we ensure that the combined entity operates efficiently and delivers the expected synergies.

  • What are the key challenges in improving operational efficiency?

    The main challenges include resistance to change, misaligned processes, and outdated technology systems.

  • How do you approach process optimisation?

    We assess current processes, identify inefficiencies, and develop solutions to streamline operations and improve performance.

  • What is your approach to performance management during transformation?

    We develop clear KPIs and performance metrics to ensure that all parts of the organisation are aligned and driving toward the same goals.

  • How do you manage operational risks during transformation?

    We conduct a thorough risk assessment at the start of the project and implement a risk management plan to ensure that potential challenges are addressed proactively.

  • How do you ensure that transformation projects stay within budget?

    Our project management approach includes rigorous cost controls, ensuring that all spending aligns with the agreed budget.

  • How do you balance transformation with day-to-day operations?

    We work closely with operational teams to ensure that transformation projects do not disrupt core business activities, balancing long-term goals with short-term needs.

  • What is your approach to operational restructuring?

    We assess the current organisational structure and develop a plan to align roles and responsibilities with the new business strategy.

  • How do you ensure employee engagement during operational changes?

    We focus on clear communication, transparency, and involving employees in the decision-making process to keep them engaged and committed.

  • How do you improve operational agility?

    By streamlining processes and adopting flexible systems, we help businesses become more agile and responsive to market changes.

  • What is the role of leadership in managing change?

    Leadership is essential in setting the vision, driving alignment, and ensuring that the organisation remains focused on its transformation goals.

  • How do you support leadership teams during transformation?

    We work closely with leadership to ensure they are aligned, equipped with the right tools, and able to communicate a clear vision to the rest of the organisation.

  • How do you help leaders navigate complex transformations?

    We provide coaching and support to help leaders manage the complexities of transformation, ensuring they are prepared to lead their teams through the process.

  • How do you ensure leadership alignment during M&A?

    We work with leadership teams from both organisations to develop a shared vision and ensure that all leaders are aligned on the integration plan.

  • What are the common challenges leaders face during transformation?

    Leaders often struggle with aligning teams, managing resistance to change, and balancing short-term operational needs with long-term strategic goals.

  • How do you help leaders manage these challenges?

    We provide a structured approach to managing change, ensuring that leaders have the tools, support, and insights they need to navigate the challenges of transformation.

  • What is the importance of leadership communication during transformation?

    Clear and consistent communication from leadership is critical to ensuring that all stakeholders understand the vision, goals, and progress of the transformation.

  • How do you improve leadership communication?

    We work with leadership teams to develop clear messaging, ensuring that all communications are aligned with the strategic goals of the transformation. We've written a few insights pieces on leadership communication during M&A, Integration and Transformation. You can find them here

  • New FAQ : Question
    New FAQ : Answer
  • What is the role of middle management in transformation?

    Middle management plays a key role in translating the vision set by leadership into actionable plans and ensuring that teams are aligned and executing effectively.

  • Can you share a success story?
    We have several. For example, we helped a client save 40% on the consideration for a carve out deal they had already signed by picking apart the representations and warranties and finding issues to enable a renegotiation. We also helped a client win a competitive bidding process for an M&A target by solving a problem which meant that the interested parties weren't getting answers quickly enough to their due diligence questions. In the space of a week, we drove up the response rate from 46% to 97%, meaning that they could assess and value the business and get board approval for an offer, which was accepted. We helped a multi-site retail business improve like for like sales by 9% and win awards for customer experience and best use of business process software in the process.
  • What kind of feedback do you receive from clients?
    Clients often praise our ability to align disparate stakeholders, manage complex projects, and drive measurable results quickly and efficiently.
  • How do you measure success in your projects?
    We measure success through financial metrics, operational performance, and the satisfaction of key stakeholders, ensuring that all objectives are met.
  • Do you offer post-project support?
    Yes, we provide ongoing support to ensure that the benefits of the transformation are sustained and that your team is equipped to manage future challenges.
  • What are the long-term benefits of working with How2-Change?
    Our focus on skill transfer ensures that your team is capable of leading future transformations without external support, creating long-term value for your business.
  • Can you provide case studies?

    Yes, we have several case studies showcasing our work in M&A, business transformation, and operational change. Please contact us for more details.

  • Do you have client testimonials?
    Yes, our clients often provide testimonials praising our strategic insights, ability to manage complex transformations, and commitment to driving value.
  • What is your client satisfaction rate?
    We consistently receive positive feedback from our clients, with high satisfaction rates due to our ability to deliver on time, within budget, and with measurable outcomes.
  • How do you ensure long-term success for your clients?
    By transferring skills to client teams and embedding best practices, we ensure that your business is set up for long-term success.
  • How do you structure your fees?
    Our fee structure is flexible and aligned with the value we deliver, often including performance-based elements tied to achieving specific goals.
  • How do you charge for your services?
    We typically charge based on the scope and complexity of the project, ensuring that fees are aligned with the value we deliver.
  • Do you work on a retainer basis?
    Yes, we offer retainer options for clients who require ongoing support across multiple projects or business functions.
  • Can you provide a detailed project proposal?
    Yes, after an initial consultation, we will provide a detailed project proposal outlining the scope, timeline, and fees.
  • Do you offer discounts for long-term engagements?
    We are open to discussing fee structures for long-term engagements or multiple projects to ensure that we deliver maximum value.
  • How do I engage How2-Change for a project?

    Simply visit our Contact Us page to submit your query, and one of our team members will be in touch to schedule a consultation.

  • Can you work with our in-house teams?

    Yes, we frequently work alongside in-house teams, providing expertise and support to ensure successful project execution.

  • How do you handle confidentiality?

    We take confidentiality very seriously and ensure that all client information is protected. We are happy to sign NDAs and confidentiality agreements as required